
First Federation Trust is the admissions authority for its member schools, responsible for the admissions policies and decisions on applications for admission.

We have an admissions policy for each academic year and they will be published on this page when they are proposed for consultation and after they have been determined annually. They are written to comply with the School Admissions Code 2021 and School Admissions Appeals Code 2022.

The local governing body plays an active part in the admissions process. 

Attending Loders CE Primary Academy

We welcome prospective parents to come and have a look around our school and meet up with the Head of School and the staff. Appointments can be easily arranged by calling the School Office on 01308 423418 or emailing

The school has School Tours and Open Days - usually between October and December - when we welcome all visitors to see our school in action, meet the staff, governors, members of our PTFA and enjoy a cuppa.

You can view our Admissions Policies on this website or contact Dorset Local Authority through the links below for more information about the admissions process.

Starting School for the First Time

We take pupils from the age of 2 at Little Acorns which means that the transition to formal schooling is seamless. Children come to our Foundation Stage Unit from a variety of settings and prior to their admission our Early Years staff will visit local pre-school groups to introduce themselves. We welcome application for Reception from all settings or none and parents or carers will need to complete their application for a place here, regardless of pupils already attending Little Acorns:

Apply for a school place through Dorset Council

We have a programme of induction for pupils new to our Reception class in the summer term before they start school. Children are welcomed for a series of taster sessions, enabling them to familiarise themselves with the classroom and the school, meet their teacher and the teaching assistant and have a chance to play with their new classmates.

Early Years Brochure

Transferring to Secondary School

Most of our children transfer to The Sir John Colfox School, but some choose to transfer to Beaminster School, Woodroffe School and Colyton Grammar School. We have close links with The Sir John Colfox School and a full transition programme exists to enable children to make the move with ease and confidence. Parents will need to complete their secondary school application here:

Dorset transferring to secondary school


Call the admissions team at Dorset County Council on: 01305 221060

In-Year Admissions

If you are planning to move your child during the year then all applications must be made in line with Dorset LA’s admission scheme. Further information and application forms are available from the Local Authority admissions team on 01305 221060 or on their website:

View Dorset Council's in year application

The admission limit for each year group is 12. Where the number of applicants exceeds places available, the allocation of those places is made according to the criteria set out in our Admissions Policy.

Useful Links

Apply for a school place
The Sir John Colfox Academy
Beaminster School
The Woodroffe School

Admission Appeals

Please use the following link, should you wish to lodge an appeal against school admission:

Dorset Council School Admission Appeal 

Dorset School’s Admission Appeals Timetable

  1. For a parent to submit an Appeal: At least 20 school days from the parent receiving notice of the refusal of a place at a school.
  2. Notice of the Appeal Hearing: At least 10 school days before the hearing.
  3. Appellants (usually the parents) to submit evidence.
  4. Admission Authority (the school) to submit their evidence 8 school days before the Appeal hearing.
  5. The Clerk (the person organising the appeal) sends Appeal papers to parents, the panel and the school.
  6. 5 school days before the Appeal – additional evidence from the Appellants. (Sometimes the Appellants wish to provide additional information after seeing all the papers.)
  7. Decision letters sent to the Appellants. Within 5 school days of the hearing (wherever possible). (The letter that informs the Appellant if their Appeal has been Upheld or refused.)
  8. For applications made in the normal way. Admissions Round Appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals (see a. above).
  9. For In Year and Late Applications – Within 30 school days of the Appeal (those that came in after the deadline being lodged and have not been decided by the offer date) Appeals must be heard.

Dorset Council's Admissions Appeals Timetable


Admissions Policies


Admissions Policy 2024 -25

Admissions Policy 2025-26